Carter Anderson
Mission in México

Learning French has not only provided me with insight and opportunities to engage with Francophone cultures, but has facilitated global involvement with people of various tongues.
During the spring of 2018, I was fortunate to serve at the Monte Maria Mission in Tijuana, Mexico . Dedicated to providing care and aide to the destitute of this border town, the mission is surrounded by an enormous amount of poverty and violence. The deprivation I encountered had no need of translation. Yet, in the midst of despair, I witnessed astounding hope from those who had nothing.
Manual labor was essential in renovating the mission; throughout the week I worked in solidarity while digging ditches, hauling concrete, and creating a sewer system for the mission. Even with an obvious language barrier, I was
able to hear the connections between French and Spanish, forming friendships in the midst of division.
Even more exciting was the day I met a nun who had studied medicine before entering the convent and serving at the mission. Through my broken Spanish and her minute knowledge of French and English, I was taken aback by her wisdom and passion for vocation.
Leaving Tijuana, I had a deeper sense of how connected we all are. Though many differences existed between myself and those at Monte Maria, I returned to the U.S. with a greater sense of perspective and desire to care for the poor among us. This soon translated into my local volunteering efforts at homeless shelters and has been a vital part of my student life.
La Messe Française
Global engagement implies learning new customs and traditions, but at the same time seeing how these can enrich your own experiences. Being able to pray the mass in another language gave me a striking realization at the universality of the church and our interconnectedness. Seeing how other societies and cultures worship is fundamental to understanding the decisions and changes they choose to make.